SEC Filings


Kaleidoscope’s database contains all filing types from 1994 to date. Updated in real-time, the filings are enriched with meta data far beyond that of any other provider. API enables you to access the power of the search engine to extract real-time results on queries relevant to your platform, or “drink from the firehose”, or display the results in a proprietary widget, the choice is yours.

SEC filings delivered easily through our advanced application interface


From annual and quarterly filings to proxy statements and SEC comment letters, find the corporate data you need.


Receive all fund filings, filter by keywords, Ticker, Series, or Contract ID.

Investment Management Companies

Annual and semi-annual reports, registration statements, proxy filings, amendments, SAIs.

Foreign Filers

All filings for Foreign companies or governments are available through the API.

Get in touch with us

For questions and pricing